Massachusetts Offers Rebates for Electric Vehicles


The Center for Sustainable Energy (CSE) is the statewide administrator for the Massachusetts Offers Rebates for Electric Vehicles (MOR-EV) program that aims to provide air pollution emission reductions for the commonwealth by increasing the use of zero-emission electric vehicles.

The program promotes greater adoption and use of EVs, including battery-only, plug-in hybrid and fuel cell electric vehicles through outreach and education with a variety of partners including consumers and dealers.

Funded by the Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs' Department of Energy Resources, the program provides rebates up to $2,500 for the purchase or lease of light-duty electric vehicles and motorcycles.

Check out the Massachusetts Offers Rebates for Electric Vehicles (MOR-EV) related program, MOR-EV Trucks

“CSE provides tremendous value, from its highly skilled program design work to its streamlined and secure incentive program administration. And the data and feedback CSE provides helps us continuously improve our MOR-EV program so that we spend only what we need to reach our goals,” Daniel Gatti, Director of Clean Transportation Policy, Massachusetts Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs


MOR-EV Impacts

$52.9 million in rebates

CSE has reserved and issued more than $52.9 million in rebates for zero-emission vehicles in Massachusetts.

63,700 MT of CO2

Clean vehicles receiving rebates in Massachusetts have reduced greenhouse gas emissions equivalent by more than 63,700 metric tons of carbon dioxide cumulatively.

25,900+ rebates

CSE has reserved and issued more than 25,900 rebates zero-emission vehicles in Massachusetts.

(Aug 2022)

Program at a Glance

Program Goals

Promote adoption of zero-emission vehicles and reduce greenhouse gas emissions

CSE's Role

Administer of the statewide rebate program and provide clean vehicle market information to consumers, dealerships and stakeholders


Electric Vehicles (EVs)

Key Partners

Massachusetts Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs, Massachusetts Clean Cities Coalition, Northeast States for Coordinated Air Use Management, vehicle manufacturers

State Policies Supported

Accelerate purchase or lease of EVs in the commonwealth and improve air quality

Impact Statement

Accelerate purchase or lease of EVs in the commonwealth and improve air quality