Massachusetts Gov. Charlie Baker announced April 2 approval of $2 million funding for the second year of Massachusetts Offers Rebates for Electric Vehicles (MOR-EV), a program administered by CSE for the state’s Department of Energy Resources (DOER). Massachusetts has set a goal of 300,000 zero-emission vehicles or 15 percent of the projected registered vehicles in the state in 2025.
In 2014, DOER officials selected CSE to perform program administration, marketing, and consumer and dealer education for MOR-EV in order to engage car consumers in choosing eligible EVs and applying for rebates. CSE began issuing rebate awards up to $2,500 in June 2014 with an initial $2 million from cap-and-trade auction proceeds of the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative. To date, the program has provided rebates for more than 700 low- and zero-emission vehicles.
“Massachusetts and our partners in the region are committed to developing a more robust electric vehicle network in New England,” said DOER Acting Commissioner Dan Burgess. “MOR-EV has expedited these efforts, lowering operating costs and benefitting our families’ health and the environment at the same time.”
Current program information, remaining rebate funds and other details are available online at MOR-EV Program Statistics.
CSE also administers the Clean Vehicle Rebate Project for the California Air Resources Board and is the only third-party organization in the nation to manage statewide clean vehicle incentive programs.
“Incentive programs play a significant role in introducing and promoting clean energy technologies on a wider scale, especially when there are real and perceived barriers to their adoption,” said CSE Executive Director Len Hering, RADM, USN (ret). “The added value and rewards of rebates help people to make more sustainable choices while supporting goals for cleaner air and reduced fossil-fuel consumption.”